In marketing, is content king? No, great content is the real king.

For food and beverage marketers, connecting with and engaging consumers has become the major thrust of most marketing initiatives. Online advertising, email, and particularly social media, have proven themselves to be much more than the promotional "flavor of the year", and with good reason. They facilitate personal, one-on-one interaction with consumers, and foster brand awareness and trust. [...]

By |2013-10-29T20:38:18+00:00October 29th, 2013|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Rules for successful social branding.

There is no "one way" to build and maintain a great food and beverage brand, but there are some marketing rules that will really help in successful social branding. Find the fit. In social media,  marketers have very few precious seconds to capture audience attention. Consumers may know some things about your brand, but there [...]

By |2013-10-17T05:05:39+00:00October 17th, 2013|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Email as a branding tool? 65% of B2B buyers think so.

Every day, over 294 billion emails are sent. This makes the 400 million tweets and 2 million blog posts seem paltry in comparison. With that much email communication going on daily, it is understandable that in a recent survey, 65% of B2B buyers indicated that email shapes their  perspective of companies and brands. Food marketers [...]

By |2013-10-01T05:00:03+00:00October 1st, 2013|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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