The newly formed Consortium for Common Food Names, a global initiative of food producers and organizations, thinks so.  They will work to oppose any attempt to monopolize generic food names that have been commonly used, in some cases for over a century.  The distinction here is geographical indication (GIs) that protect legitimate regional products like Parmigiano Reggiano from commonly understood cheese varietals such as parmesan, which is produced in many regions throughout the world.

The European Commission has been attempting to expand the definition and territory of GIs, recently as part of free trade agreements.  Left unchecked, parmesan, provolone, bologna, salami, and countless other common food names would be restricted.  Producers who label their products with these names, whether as product variety descriptors or brand names, would have to rename and repackage potentially billions of dollars of food products.

The Consortium’s efforts will be focused on working with all interested parties to develop guidelines that provide reasonable protections for GI food products while also protecting the rights of producers and marketers to continue to use common food names.  After all, consumers have been buying bologna for generations and it’s doubtful they’ll understand or embrace a new term for this beloved lunch meat.